Flashback Friday: Today we want to showcase this 110,000 square foot building located at the corner of Gravier and Rampart Streets. Completed in 2016, the Troubadour Hotel project was a historic renovation converting a former mixed-use building into a contemporary hotel. Located in the Central Business District, this seventeen-story historically significant project marked a drastic conversion from the building’s original use as office space into a boutique hotel offering luxurious and modern rooms and suits. As part of the Joie de Vivre Hotels brand, The Troubadour Hotel features a first floor Bar/Lounge area, second floor meeting rooms, 184 guest rooms, and a roof top bar overlooking Downtown New Orleans. Stewart Foreman, Rodney Naquin, oversaw our scope of work on the project which included metal stud framing, insulation, drywall, acoustic ceilings, acoustical wall panels, and FRP.

![08 Guestroom+6+sm[1].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57557d71a3360cf9e737a349/1582909110043-KBJ3KKVD25Y8VUFGB0UO/08+Guestroom%2B6%2Bsm%5B1%5D.jpg)
![09 Guestroom+5+sm[1].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57557d71a3360cf9e737a349/1582909118720-Y9R3KI6KRW6GM69JL598/09+Guestroom%2B5%2Bsm%5B1%5D.jpg)